Vision & Mission


Arkansas will have a world-class workforce that is well educated, skilled, and working in order to keep Arkansas’s economy competitive in the global marketplace.


To promote and support a talent development system in Arkansas that offers employers, individuals, and communities the opportunity to achieve and sustain economic prosperity.

Arkansas’s Talent Development System Philosophy

  • We believe that there must be a pipeline of skilled workers for employers and a job for every Arkansan that wants one.
  • We believe that the talent development system of Arkansas must be relevant to the labor market in order to meet the needs of employers and jobseekers, and for Arkansas to compete globally.
  • We believe that every Arkansan should have opportunity and access to training and education that leads to a career with gainful employment.
  • We believe innovation and partnerships centered around local economic priorities maximizes effectiveness and puts the State in the best position to address local and regional workforce needs.
  • We believe Arkansas’s workforce system should be a viable resource for business and industry.
  • We believe that in order for the talent development system to be the preferred system, the system must be accountable, flexible, and align education and training with business and industry needs.
  • We believe that in order for the talent development system to be effective, we must eliminate overlap and duplication of resources and services and streamline investment of funds.

This is the cornerstone upon which the workforce development system will be built in order to prepare and strengthen the workforce of eastern Arkansas.